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Urban Studies and Planning


Q: What is the best database for finding articles on Urban Studies and Planning?

A: ScienceDirect is a great database for planning and transportation articles.

ScienceDirect has 150 journals in Geography, Planning, Development, and Transportation. See journal titles list below (UAlbany students/faculty must login to the database linked above for full-text content):

ScienceDirect Journals: Geography, Planning and Development

ScienceDirect Journals: Transportation


Q: Does the library have data visualization tools?

A: PolicyMap and Social Explorer are two excellent data visualization databases.

Both databases provide demographic data, mapping, and visualization. They allow you to use and create maps, tables and reports to visually explore and download data.


Q: What other databases are useful for Urban Studies and Planning?

A: For a comprehensive list, see: Geography & Planning Databases


Q: Does the library provide access to ArcGIS?

A: Yes! The library computer stations (Windows) have ArcGIS Desktop installed on them.

Below is a list of all available software on the library computers:

Available Software in the Libraries


Q: Where can I find extra help with my research?

A: You can contact your Subject Librarian, Priscilla Seaman.

You may also schedule a PAWS research appointment, send a Chat question, or stop by the reference desk in the Main Library.


Q: I love JSTOR. Why should I use any other databases for my research?

A: JSTOR is a great database, but it has some limitations (see below). Other databases such as ScienceDirect have more Urban Studies and Planning journals.


Q: What are JSTOR's limitations?

A: JSTOR embargoes CURRENT full-text journal articles. This means that is often does not have the most recent articles from the past 3-5 years for a specific journal title.

JSTOR is a multisubject database, and does not often have as many journals in your field as your subject-specific databases.
