It is very likely you will find many sources on the topic you select. Selecting two from the first screen's worth is not the best way to proceed. Instead, before you start searching, think about these questions:
You will be doing research not just for this assignment, but for countless others at the University. You will save yourself lots of time and stress by learning the best way to go about searching. Before you access a database to start your research, watch the following short tutorials:
Keyword Searching Tutorial: While this uses the Libraries’ search tool rather than Academic Search Complete, the information presented applies equally to any database you search.
Working with Scholarly Article Tutorials: These let you check your knowledge as you complete the tutorials.
Part 1: What is a Scholarly Article
Part 2: Reading a Scholarly Article
Part 3: Finding and Identifying Scholarly Articles
"Infographics" by Andrew Rees is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0