Hello! My name is Noelle Lennard. I am a current MSIS student at the University at Albany. I have a B.A. in English with a minor in History from UA as well. My interests include medieval European history, Cold War history, historical clothing and fashion, and, of course, fiber arts!
Here you will find resources for all things fiber and textile arts concerning their history, and the various traditions that have emerged across the world. Fiber and textile arts encompass a wide variety of techniques and traditions; knitting, sewing, crocheting, weaving, and basketry are only a few examples of this diverse category of art.
This guide's intended audience is University at Albany undergraduate and graduate students who take an interest in the study of art, art history, and anthropological studies. Or, anyone who is interested in learning about history, culture and art. Fiber and textile arts act as significant historical and cultural markers throughout history and continue to have the same impact today.
This guide provides a number of different resources to begin researching; databases, journals, encyclopedias, and book recommendations! Please explore the tabs on the left hand bar. Under the "Books" tab you will find resources for finding books to read, as well as recommendations for encyclopedias and dictionaries. The "Digital Resources" tab provides information about finding journals and databases to suit your research needs.