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Literature Searching for Systematic Reviews

Literature Searching

Databases of citations are a critical search tool for your systematic review, They can be searched at the beginning of the systematic review process while refining a search strategy, as well as for the main part of the search with a final search strategy.

While searching, it is important to make a note of each database that you use, what years it covers, and what search strategy you are using. In the initial phase of refining a search strategy, you should also keep track of what words, topics and keywords you are trying, as well as which ones are useful (or not useful!). Be sure to document everything!

University at Albany provides access to extensive list of databases. A complete listing of these resources can be found on the library web page, under the Tools tab, then by clicking Database Finder. Below are some selected databases broken into several subject areas. 

Public Health

Social Welfare

General Sources

Grey Literature