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Linguistics and Cognitive Sciences: Research Guide

A Selective Guide to Resources in Linguistics and Cognitive Sciences

Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

Bussmann, Hadumod. Routledge Dictionary of Language and Linguistics. Translated and edited by Gregory Trauth and Kerstin Kazzazi. London ; New York : Routledge, 1996. Provides a thorough overview of linguistics, encompassing descriptive and historical, comparative and typological linguistics as well as the applied subdisciplines. Meant for both students and professional scholars in linguistics and allied fields. 
REF / P 29 B875 1996

Crystal, David. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. 2nd ed. New York : Cambridge University Press, 1997. A thematic approach to the study of language with many illustrations, diagrams, maps, etc. 
REF / P 29 C64 1997

Crystal, David. A Dictionary of Language. 2nd ed. Chicago, IL : University of Chicago Press, 2001. A convenient ready-reference defining questions on language and languages, with explanatory matter given in basic linguistic terminology. Revised edition of An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Language and Languages.
REF / P 29 C68 2001

Crystal, David. A Dictionary of Linguistics & Phonetics. 5th ed. Malden, MA : Blackwell, 2003. A standard reference work for students of linguistics and phonetics and for researchers in related fields. 
REF / P 29 C65 2003

Dalby, Andrew. Dictionary of Languages : The Definitive Reference to More Than 400 Languages. 
New York : Columbia University Press, 1998. Provides descriptions of those languages spoken by more than a million people, along with sample texts, demographic information and maps. 
REF / P 371 D35 1998

The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics / R. E. Asher, editor-in-chief. Oxford; New York : Pergamon Press, 1994. 10 vols. Articles cover a broad range of topics in linguistics and related topics. Includes a list of languages of the world (along with number of speakers, affiliation and geographic location) and the International Phonetic Alphabet. 
REF / P 29 E 48 1994

International Encyclopedia of Linguistics / William J. Frawley, editor-in-chief. 2nd ed. New York : Oxford University Press, 2003. 4 vols. Signed articles by recognized specialists cover languages and all branches of linguistics, primarily for students and scholars of linguistics and related fields. 
REF / P 29 I58 2003

Trask, R. L. (Robert Lawrence). The Dictionary of Historical and Comparative Linguistics. Chicago, IL : Fitzroy Dearborn, 2000. Covers the terminology of classical historical linguistics, comparison and reconstruction, dialectology, and processes of word-formation as well as philological terms. 
REF / P 143 T727X 2000