Hike Safely: Be Smart. Be Prepared.Stegemann, E., Morris, L., & Collins, D. (2019). HIKE SAFELY: Be Smart. Be Prepared. The New York State Conservationist, 73(5), 8–12.
This source provides a more in-depth look about safety precautions hikers can take, as well as the author’s own experience with Mt. Marcy. As the author mentions, Mt. Marcy is a challenging hike, so this source will also show how to prepare for more challenging hikes and what hikers can anticipate if they choose this route. The author also provides a precautionary tale about what happens when a hike goes wrong and the consequences of failing to prepare for potentially dangerous conditions. This source will be useful for anyone looking to engage with a more challenging hike, and provides plenty of details about safety precautions. However, this source may not be useful to readers looking to go on easier hike.