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IST 605: Novels in Verse for Young Adult and Middle Grade Readers

Search Strategies

Consider this list of keywords/search terms when conducting your research using databases and/or search engines: 

  1. Verse novel

  2. Novels in verse

  3. Verse novels AND middle grade

  4. Verse novels AND young adult

  5. Reader’s advisory AND verse novel

  6. ALA AND verse novels

  7. SLJ AND verse novels

  8. Booklist verse novels

  9. Verse novels AND engagement

  10. Verse novels AND diversity

Instructions for successful searching: 

1. Determine your approach: is a database or search engine most useful for my question/research need?

2. Navigate to your selected resource and consider Basic vs. Advanced Search options:

  • a Basic Search has one menu/field and benefits from the use of Boolean Operators (see above)
  • an Advanced Search will allow multiple search fields and can be beneficial when considering specific text titles/authors

3. Be a careful and informed reader! Consider the reliability of your results by considering the CRAAP Test

Databases and Search Engines

  • Databases require subscriptions and are library-specific - they will often require library credential login; however, they are readily available at public and academic libraries. 
  • Search engines are readily available to all users and are not limited to in-library access.