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IST 605: World War II

Infertility Issues After the Holocaust

This article examines the infertility and biological issues women faced during and after the Holocaust. The author discusses life and events within concentration camps which may have caused mass infertility in survivors. The article also discusses the actions which were taken in an attempt to cause mass sterilization of Jewish women. 

Women's experiences of infertility after the Holocaust - ScienceDirect (

Kleinplatz, & Weindling, P. (2022). Women’s experiences of infertility after the Holocaust. Social Science & Medicine (1982)309, 115250–115250.

Cancer Among Survivors

This article explains the study which examines cancer risk amongst Holocaust survivors in Israel. The author discusses the variety of exposures in which Holocaust prisoners were subjected to cancer-causing factors. The study was conducted to determine if cancer and cancer risk was higher in the survivors of the Holocaust. 

Cancer risk among Holocaust survivors in Israel—A nationwide study - Sadetzki - 2017 - Cancer - Wiley Online Library (

Sadetzki, Chetrit, A., Freedman, L. S., Hakak, N., Barchana, M., Catane, R., & Shani, M. (2017). Cancer risk among Holocaust survivors in Israel—A nationwide study. Cancer123(17), 3335–3345.

Sleep Disorders & PTSD of Holocaust Survivors

This article focuses on the study conducted on survivors of the Holocaust. The study examines a variety of survivors (male and female) from different countries. The only commonality amongst them were that they were survivors of the Holocaust. The article examines the effect the Holocaust had on the survivor's sleep patterns as well as PTSD. 

Sleep Disorders Among Holocaust Survivors: A Review of Selected Publications (

Lurie. (2017). Sleep Disorders Among Holocaust Survivors: A Review of Selected Publications. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease205(9), 665–671.

War Crimes

This resource is a longer source which can be accessible via table of contents. I recommend reading through the contents and finding relevant information for your research. The source as a whole is great and crucial for research, but not necessary. The article discusses post war crime trials in Germany as well as Japan. It gives great insight into the atrocities which occurred during World War II as well as responses to them. 

The Charge of Command Responsibility: an Examination of Command Responsibility in the Post-World War Ii War Crime Trials of Axis Powers - ProQuest

Bushell. (2022). The Charge of Command Responsibility: an Examination of Command Responsibility in the Post-World War Ii War Crime Trials of Axis Powers. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.

Nuremberg Trials- International Law

This article follows the events leading up to and during the Nuremberg trials. This resource examines how the world went about creating the due process of the Nuremberg Trials. This was not an issue which needed to be addressed until after the War. This is a great resource for learning how international criminal laws became due to the Holocaust and World War II. 

Nuremberg Trials Public Communications Apparatus: Propaganda for WWII Heali...: EBSCOhost (

Gordon. (2022). The Nuremberg Trials Public Communications Apparatus. Journal of International Criminal Justice20(1), 11–53.