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IST 605: The AIDs Epidemic in America

Resources associated with the AIDs Epidemic in the United States which began in 1981.

References in APA

AIDs in Literature. (1994). Retrieved November 28, 2023, from

Bradway, T. (2017). Literature in an Age of Plague: The AIDS Epidemic. In Miller, D.Q. (Ed.), American Literature in Transition, 1980–1990 (pp. 256-269). Cambridge University Press.

Clendinen, D. (1983). AIDS spreads pain and fear among ill and healthy alike. The New York Times.

Czerwiec, M. (2017). Taking TurnsStories from HIV/AIDS Care Unit 371. University Park: Penn State University Press.

Friedman, P. (Director), & Joslin, T. (Director). (1993). Silverlake Life: The View from Here [Film]. Zeitgeist Films. (n.d.). What are HIV and AIDS?.

Kramer, L. (1985). The Normal Heart. Plume Books.

Kushner, T (1991). Angels in America. Theatre Communications Group.

McIntyre, J. (2014). In Time of Plague. Poetry Foundation.

Monette, P. (1988). Borrowed Time: an AIDS Memoir. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

National Institutes of Health. (n.d.). Against The Odds: Action on AIDs. U.S. National Library of Medicine.

National Institutes of Health. (n.d.). AIDS, Posters, and Stories of Public Health: A People’s History of a Pandemic. U.S. National Library of Medicine.

National Institutes of Health. (n.d.) Surviving and Thriving: AIDS, Politics and Culture. U.S. National Library of Medicine.

Padamsee, T. J. (2020). Fighting an Epidemic in Political Context: Thirty-Five Years of HIV/AIDS Policy Making in the United States. Social History of Medicine: The Journal of the Society for the Social History of Medicine33(3), 1001–1028.

Pepin, J. (2011). The Origins of AIDS. Cambridge University Press.

Sontag, S. (1986). The Way We Live Now. The New Yorker.

Stratton, S. E., & Watstein, S. (2012). The Encyclopedia of HIV and AIDS, (3rd ed.). Facts On File.

The National AIDS Memorial. (2023).

The New York Times. (2001). The AIDs Epidemic. The New York Times.

Tian, X., Chen, J., Wang, X., Xie, Y., Zhang, X., Han, D., Fu, H., Yin, W., & Wu, N. (2023). Global, regional, and national HIV/AIDS disease burden levels and trends in 1990-2019: A systematic analysis for the global burden of disease 2019 study. Frontiers in Public Health11, 1-17.

U.S. National Library of Medicine. (2023). Living with HIV. MedlinePlus.