HIV and AIDS Resources
This website contains general information for all aspects of HIV and AIDs. It is a valuable resource for those wanting to be introduced to the medical minutiae of the virus from what it is, how it is transmitted, symptoms, at-risk populations, and treatments, though it is important to note there is no known cure. It also has informational pages dedicated to HIV testing and can locate testing sites for interested users based on location. There are pages dedicated to history on the virus, statistics and data from the globe to compare to the user's own location. This is a good starting point for anyone wanting to get a base of information on the virus before extending their search to other areas of AIDs information.
Living with HIV and Living with AIDs
This webpage is a health topic in MedlinePlus through the National Library of Medicine and is a comprehensive source on what it means to be diagnosed and living with AIDs. It gives an overview of the disease and its implications for treatment and lifestyle from mental health to nutrition. In addition, it also has many articles and specific AIDs webpages detailing different intersections with the virus such as age, gender, and race, statistics associated with it, and outlets to find an expert in AIDs and HIV. This resource is valuable for those with this virus but also for those researching it as it gives insight to how the body reacts to the virus for others learning about the disease, and how it medically affects life.
The Encyclopedia of HIV and AIDS by Stephen Stratton and Sarah Watstein
ISBN: 0816048088
This is an encyclopedia containing 130 articles on what HIV is, how this virus progressed to AIDs as we know it, and treatments available. Along with the in-depth medical information, this book looks into social and political issues and AIDs dedicated organizations among other pertinent information. This resource also expands from nationally to globally to explore AIDS statistics from around the world, giving insight to different cultural events that affect treatment and transmission of the AIDs virus. A limitation of this source is that it is a little dated being published in 2012, but the UAlbany library holds this edition in its collection so it is an available resource to get information on AIDs. This is resource can give in depth information of terminology to the reader as well as a source that can give a broader scope to how this disease affects the world nationally beyond the scope of the United States. It also branches out into other global intersections AIDs has impacted.
Global, Regional, and National HIV/AIDS Disease Burden Levels and Trends in 1990-2019 by Xuebien Tien et al.
This article discusses AIDs data discovered in the past two decades and expands information on the scope of the virus beyond the national level in the U.S in order to compare the United States progress with the virus and knowledge about it to the rest of the world. This comparison is necessary to approach treatments more efficiently in the future. Statistics of HIV/AIDS prevalence, deaths, and disability adjusted life years are looked into to understand the past of this virus and where it is going. The researchers conclude regional differences should be investigated to ensure optimal prevention strategies and treatments based on risk factors like location, sex, and age. An interesting limitation to note is that trends from the emergence of AIDs in the 1980s are not looked into. This article overall gives an understanding of the different levels of physical vulnerability people have to contract this virus and is an important piece of information in understanding which populations are more susceptible and the future of the virus. It furthers researcher's understanding of how the virus still impacts the world's health today and the various populations that face greatest exposure, which will be discussed in the human impact sources.