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IST 605: Elementary Special Education Placements

Resources and Research Strategies for pre-service elementary special educators reviewing the various special education settings.

Classroom and Behavior Management

Classroom and behavior management systems will be important as a special education teacher. You will find resources below detailing Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) for tiered classroom management as well as behavior management systems for individual students or self-contained classrooms.

Classroom and Behavior Management Resources

Schicke, M. C. (1996). Special education placement as "treatment": A comparison of regular and special education classroom environments (Publication No.9536625) [Doctoral dissertation, The Graduate College at University of Nebraska] Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.

This comparative study examines the differences between special education settings, general education settings and special education classrooms for students with learning disabilities and behavioral disorders. Observational data was collected in regard to physical environment, teacher, peers, and instructional factors. The environmental differences are prevalent in a special education setting where teachers can spend more time dedicated to readings and free time activities as rewards, additional support staff and students seemed more engaged by observation of task completion and  in the special education setting. It was found in this 1996 study that instruction delivered to the students with disabilities in the general education environment was not differentiated. The results found that praise was very infrequent for students with disabilities across settings with larger amounts of disapproval. Special education classrooms spent more time in seatwork with less direct teacher instruction for purposes of differentiation tailored to the students’ individual needs. This study makes great gains in the field of special education with a sweeping literature review and analysis and discussion of the results and implications for students with special needs and how they might learn best. It also notes the differences between general education and special education instructional strategies and practices in real-life.

University of South Florida. (2016). Florida positive behavioral interventions & supports project: A multi-tiered system of supports- classroom. Florida PBIS.

This website by the Florida Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports project contained detailed in-depth information about the different tiers of PBIS for classroom and behavior management. It discusses the 5 essential practices for PBIS including rules and expectations, engagement, acknowledging appropriate behavior, responding to inappropriate behavior and maximizing structure. It also provide classroom Tab LiveBinders Shelf of trainings on getting started with PBIS in the classroom, the essentials, implementation with case studies and classroom assistance Tip sheets, tool boxes and forms. Classroom and behavior management will be an important factor in the classroom for student success and to help support teachers and reduce rates of burnout. This guide to multi-tiered system of supports in the classroom will support special education teachers in their interactions with various behaviors they will encounter with students with disabilities. I think this multimedia approach to teaching this content is beneficial to review these trainings and become familiar with the theories, practices and frameworks of this approach.