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CIST Student Sandbox

IST 605: Libraries as Safe Spaces


The significance of this libguide is it creates a pathway to information for students to broaden their knowledge of databases, and retrieve resources for topics such as libraries as safe spaces. This libguide will provide resources to the student to expand their research. Also, the libguide helps focus on different aspects. For example, subjects and making sure there are factual sources. Libguide provides links to other databases. In addition to links, they can be used to gather links to various freely available digital collections on particular topics of interest to students. They can also be used to bring together different tutorials on research strategies, such as using Boolean search terms to produce full-text journals, articles, and ebooks, this will bring forth an understanding of scholarly and popular resources.  LibGuides can be helpful to librarians in teaching library sessions because of the organization that they provide to the relevant tutorials.