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CIST Student Sandbox

IST 605: Learning Strategies for Children and Teens with Disabilities

Educating children and teens with disabilities can be a challenging task. This LibGuide will offer assistance for all educators to support all students with disabilities.

Helpful Databases

There are so many databases out there that it can be difficult to find what the user is looking for. Here are some great databases to try out.


Google: Make sure the source is reliable by fact checking with other sources. Also look for .org or .gov websites.


EBSCOHost: This is a great way to utilize UAlbany's resources. UAlbany pays for many articles, case studies, and exclusive websites so this is a great tool to use to find them. I often used ERIC or the Education Resources Information Center to find some of these sources since they specialize in education case studies. However there are many sub genres in EBSCOHost so don't be afraid to explore more of them. 


Google Scholar: This database has many peer reviewed articles and other resources that have been reviewed several times. This is a great site to use if you do not have access to EBCSOHost. 

List of Keywords & Phases

Some keywords and phrases I used for this LibGuide are:

Learning strategies for children with disabilities (Google)

Add art, music, physical education, library

Adaptive physical education, art, music, teaching methods (YouTube)

Supporting students with disabilities (UAlbany)


Tips For Finding More Sources

To find some similar sources to the ones in this LibGuide, here are some tips and tricks for searching the internet, along with some keywords and phrases I used to help me gather all of this information.

First, know how to use your search engine. Here is a list of commonly known ways to make searching more efficient. 
Use “” to make an exact phrase.
Use AND to find a result with both items in the result.
Use OR to find a result with one of the items in the result.
Use NOT to find a result that excludes the item in the result.


When using an advanced search engine, make sure to look on the left side of the screen for filters to select to personalize your results even further, along with utilizing the multiple search boxes the search engine may have.