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IST 605: Foodways

What can food tell us about our history, culture, and identity? Welcome to your research guide on Foodways.


Cassidy & El-Tom, O. (2021). Moving meals and migrating mothers: Culinary cultures, diasporic dishes and familial foodways. Demeter Press.

Culinary Arts Museum. (2017). Culinary arts museum online collections database. Johnson & Wales University.

Diner, H. R. (2001). Hungering for America : Italian, Irish, and Jewish foodways in the age of migration. Harvard University Press.

Endolyn, O. (2021, May 17). The profound significance of ‘High on the Hog.’ The New York Times.

Graduate Journal of Food Studies (n.d.) Community overview. Graduate Journal of Food Studies.

Graf, & Mescoli, E. (2020). Special issue introduction: From nature to culture? Lévi-Strauss’ legacy and the study of contemporary foodways. Food, Culture, & Society (23)4. p. 465-471.

Harris, J. B. (2013). High on the hog: A culinary journey from Africa to America. St Martins Press. 

Hasia R. Diner, & Simone Cinotto. (2018). Global Jewish foodways : A history. University of Nebraska Press.

Historic Hudson Valley. (2021, May 6). Creating identity, retaining culture part 4: Foodways. [Video]. YouTube.

Johnson, K., Migoni, A. (2021). Foodways: Resources in the American folklife center. Library of Congress.  

Jones, B. M. (2017). Producing heritage: politics, patrimony, and palatability in the reinvention of lowcountry cuisine. Food Culture and            Society20(2), p. 217–236. DOI: 10.1080/15528014.2017.1305826,sso&db=ant&AN=XRAI19I06Z-1460&site=ehost-live

Jou, C. (2017). Make America’s (foodways) great again: Nostalgia, early twentieth-century dietary critiques, and the specter of obesity in contemporary food commentary. Gastronomica17(1), 20–32.

Koger, G. (2010). Foodways. In C.L. Bankston (ed.), Encyclopedia of American Immigration, Salem Press. 

Library of Congress. (2023). Library of Congress>>Search. Library of Congress

Native Seeds Search. (2023). Our mission. Native Seeds/SEARCH.

Netflix. (2021, May 4). High on the Hog: How African American cuisine transformed America official trailer. [Video]. YouTube.

Pesantubbee, M. E., & Zogry, M. J. (Eds.). (2021). Native foodways : Indigenous North American religious traditions and foods. State University of New York Press.

Smith II, B. J., & Ewoodzie Jr., J. C. (2021). Listening to Zenani’s food voice: recovering contemporary Black foodways in southern food studies. Food Culture and Society24(5), 663–675. 

Southern Foodways Alliance from the University of Mississippi. (2023). Southern Foodways Alliance.

Tipton-Martin, T. (2015). The Jemima Code. University of Texas Press.

Tipton-Martin, T., & Conerly, B. (2023). Juke joints, jazz clubs, and juice: Cocktails from two centuries of African American cookbooks. Clarkson Potter. 

Twitty, M. (2017). The cooking gene. A journey through African American culinary history in the old South. Amistad.

Williams, R., Das, S., Martz, G. (Producers). (2021). High on the Hog. [TV series]. Netflix.

Zindel, P. (Online exhibit producer). (n.d). America the bountiful. University of California, Davis General Library.