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Chemistry: Library Resources


Beilsteins Handbuch der organischen Chemie. [SCIENCE REF / Index QD 251 B4 1918]
The essential source for information on organic compounds, including properties and bibliographic references. Organized into an original series (H) and five supplementary series (E I - E V). Each series has its own index volumes, both to molecular formulas (Formelregister) and to subjects (Sachsregister). A cumulative index (Gesamtregister) was produced following the fourth series. See How to Use Beilstein [SCIENCE REF QD 251 B42x] for assistance with this complex resource. For additional help using the handbook, see the guide from the University at Buffalo.
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. [SCIENCE REF QD 65 H3]
The classic ready-reference book of physical and chemical data. It is issued annually with revised information and new material. Previous editions are available in the Science Library circulating collection.
Gmelins Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie. [SCIENCE REF / Index QD 151 G52]
The inorganic chemistry analog to Beilstein, providing chemical information on inorganic and organometallic compounds. The volumes are organized by "system numbers," with anion-forming elements having the lower numbers and cation-forming elements having the higher numbers. To aid the researcher, the element symbols are marked on yellow cards which are placed between the volumes. See Maizell's How to Find Chemical Information [SCIENCE REF QD 8.5 M34 1998] for help with this resource. For additional help using the handbook, see the guide from the University at Buffalo.
Handbook of Physical Quantities. [SCIENCE REF QC 61 H36 1997]
Provides physical parameters and properties of substances employed in modern science.
Kaye and Laby Online

Contains the entire 16th edition (1995) of Kaye and Laby's Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants. It is freely available from the UK's National Physical Laboratory, and includes important physical and chemical property data. Kaye and Laby Online is searchable, or may be browsed. Note: the site is an archived version as it is no longer being updated.

Landolt-Börnstein (LB). New Series. [Science Library Books QC 61 Z3]

Landolt-Börnstein (LB). 6th edition. [Science Library Books QC 61 L33]

Science of Synthesis. Houben-Weyl methods of molecular transformations. [Science Library Books QD262 .S35 2000]

Houben-Weyl. 4th edition. [Science Library Books QD 258 M44]

Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants. [SCIENCE REF QC 61 K3 1995]
A compilation of physical and chemical data grouped into sections on general physics, chemistry, and atomic and nuclear physics. Previous editions are available in the Science Library circulating collection.